Class SeamHttpPhonesSimulate



client: AxiosInstance
defaults: Required<SeamHttpRequestOptions>


  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          assa_abloy_metadata?: {
              application_version?: string;
              ble_capability?: boolean;
              hce_capability?: boolean;
              nfc_capability?: boolean;
              seos_applet_version?: string;
              seos_tsm_endpoint_id?: number;
          custom_sdk_installation_id?: string;
          phone_metadata?: {
              device_manufacturer?: string;
              device_model?: string;
              operating_system?: "android" | "ios";
              os_version?: string;
          user_identity_id: string;
      • Optionalassa_abloy_metadata?: {
            application_version?: string;
            ble_capability?: boolean;
            hce_capability?: boolean;
            nfc_capability?: boolean;
            seos_applet_version?: string;
            seos_tsm_endpoint_id?: number;

        ASSA ABLOY metadata to associate with the simulated phone.

        • Optionalapplication_version?: string

          Application version that you want to use for the simulated phone.

        • Optionalble_capability?: boolean

          Indicates whether the simulated phone should have Bluetooth low energy (BLE) capability.

        • Optionalhce_capability?: boolean

          Indicates whether the simulated phone should have host card emulation (HCE) capability.

        • Optionalnfc_capability?: boolean

          Indicates whether the simulated phone should have near-field communication (NFC) capability.

        • Optionalseos_applet_version?: string

          SEOS applet version that you want to use for the simulated phone.

        • Optionalseos_tsm_endpoint_id?: number

          ID of the SEOS trusted service manager (TSM) endpoint that you want to use for the simulated phone.

      • Optionalcustom_sdk_installation_id?: string

        ID of the custom SDK installation to use for the simulated phone.

      • Optionalphone_metadata?: {
            device_manufacturer?: string;
            device_model?: string;
            operating_system?: "android" | "ios";
            os_version?: string;

        Metadata to associate with the simulated phone.

        • Optionaldevice_manufacturer?: string

          Manufacturer that you want to use for the simulated phone.

        • Optionaldevice_model?: string

          Device model that you want to use for the simulated phone.

        • Optionaloperating_system?: "android" | "ios"

          Mobile operating system that you want to use for the simulated phone.

        • Optionalos_version?: string

          Mobile operating system version that you want to use for the simulated phone.

      • user_identity_id: string

        ID of the user identity to associate with the simulated phone.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        phone: {
            created_at: string;
            custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
            device_id: string;
            device_type: "ios_phone" | "android_phone";
            display_name: string;
            errors: {
                error_code: string;
                message: string;
            nickname?: string;
            properties: {
                assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
                    endpoints: {
                        endpoint_id: string;
                        is_active: boolean;
                    has_active_endpoint: boolean;
                salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
                    has_active_phone: boolean;
            warnings: {
                message: string;
                warning_code: string;
            workspace_id: string;
    }>, "phone">, "phone">

  • Parameters

    • clientSessionToken: string

    Returns Promise<void>